Saturday, April 23, 2016

Day 55: Download a Fun and Random App

Posted by J at 6:00 AM
Saturdays are for Fun, Friends, and Family!
Today's Positivity activity: Find a random fun app  for tablet or phone.
Today, spend a little time on your tablet/phone/computer's app store and find something free, random, and fun.

BONUS POSITIVITY if you find (and use) an app that can be enjoyed with friends or family, like Words with Friends or Heads Up.

For your journaling today: Record the name or theme of today's challenge. What app did you find? Did you get a boost? Note your thoughts about how it went. You can be as detailed as you wish, or you can simply jot one or two sentences about it. 
 Optional: Note your daily Positivity Quotient. by rating the following on a scale of 1-100:
Positivity Boost (from today's activity)
Life in General
My Mood


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