We're 60 days into a year of positivity! Time flies.Thursdays are all about health and nutrition positivity!
image courtesy of clipart panda
Today's Positivity activity: Write down one healthy thing you will do/did do for yourself each day in your positivity journal*.
Even though health and nutrition day is Thursday here on Experimental Positivity, today's focus is to make this an every day thing. Jot down one small thing you did or will do that day that is good for your health. Did you skip the donuts at the office and go for an apple instead? Did you park farther away from the supermarket to get in a few more steps? Make note of it! When you do this each day, before long you'll have dozens, and then hundreds, of things you've done for your health. And chances are, if you know you need something to write down, you'll be motivated to find something.
*Not keeping a positivity journal? You can still do this! Write your One Thing each day on your white board, your computer desk top, or even get a magnetized Post-It pad and stick it on the fridge. Write your thing each day, then peel off for a fresh sheet tomorrow. Don't throw the used ones out! Stick them beside the empty ones, and soon you'll have a stack full of positive things you've done to improve your health. (Which is great to look back on when you're seeking ideas for good new habits to focus on.)
For your journaling today: Record today's health theme. Did you attempt and complete the activity? Note your thoughts about how it went. You can be as detailed as you wish, or you can simply jot one or two sentences about it.
Optional: Note your daily Positivity Quotient. by rating the following on a scale of 1-100:
Positivity Boost (from today's activity)
Life in General
My Mood
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