Saturday, December 26, 2015

Day 301: Train Your Mind to Stay Positive

Posted by J at 6:00 AM

Today's Positivity activity:  It's Day 7 of my Count My Blessings Countdown Calendar to New Year. Each day I'll watch a different video or film that is uplifting, contains a message of thankfulness, or offers a time of peaceful reflection over the events of the past year. Today I've selected a video to help teach me some ways to keep my mind positive in the year ahead, using the 4 P's of positivity.
Do This Instead of: 15 minutes of random web patrol.
The Results: This was a worthwhile reminder of how important it is to frame our thinking to set us up for a regular attitude of positivity. I feel like I want to replicate part of the speaker's white board so I won't forget the rules of restructuring the emotional zones I choose to hang out in.

Daily Positivity Levels (updated at the end of the day)*

Positivity Boost (from today's activity)
30 / 100 (30.00%)

 Life in General
85 / 100 (85.00%)

 My Mood
85 / 100 (85.00%)

*See sidebar on the left for an explanation of the meters


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