Sunday, February 7, 2016

Day 344: Start a Positivity Fund

Posted by J at 6:00 AM
Today's Positivity activity:  Start a fund for something positive you want to do/experience/achieve this year.
Do This Instead of: not.
I recently did another money saving challenge, but this one is different. The idea is to come up with a goal for something positive you want. Maybe you want a fancy new art set or you want to stay overnight in a fancy bed and breakfast. Maybe it's a spa day or a trip to a whole foods festival. Whatever it is, set the goal and a date by which you want to achieve it, then grab an envelope and start putting some extra cash aside each week.

The Results: I did it! I started a fund to do something fun with my daughter during summer vacation. I put some cash aside AND already earmarked a portion of our tax return for it. Yes!

Daily Positivity Levels (updated at the end of the day)*

Positivity Boost (from today's activity)
40 / 100

 Life in General
85 / 100

 My Mood
90 / 100

*See sidebar on the left for an explanation of the meters


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