Thursday, March 17, 2016

Day 18: Have a Cup of Tea

Posted by J at 12:04 PM
Thursdays are all about health and nutrition positivity!
Today's Positivity activity: Sip a cup of your favorite--or a new blend of--tea.

Sometimes, it is the simplest of things that bring the greatest reward. Take a moment today to stop and sip a cup of tea. With antioxidants and other benefits, tea can be a healthful addition to your diet.

*Green and white teas can help with weight loss
*Black tea, chamomile can reduce stress
*Oolong tea might help reduce cholesterol

BONUS POSITIVITY if you share a cup of tea with a friend/coworker/loved one, OR if you venture outdoors to enjoy your beverage.
For your journaling today: Record today's health theme. Did you attempt and complete the activity? Note your thoughts about how it went. You can be as detailed as you wish, or you can simply jot one or two sentences about it. 
 Optional: Note your daily Positivity Quotient. by rating the following on a scale of 1-100:
Positivity Boost (from today's activity
Life in General
My Mood


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