Sunday, May 24, 2015

Day 85: Start a Food Diary

Posted by J at 6:00 AM
Today's Positivity activity: Start keeping a food diary.
Do this instead of: 1/2 hr of web patrol.

I struggle with my eating habits at times. Proper diet not only helps my frame of mind by making me feel more positive about how I'm taking care of myself, but studies show that poor diet can contribute to depression. When I'm first trying to get back to a healthier diet, I like to write down everything I eat so I can see exactly what's going on and hold myself accountable. Just knowing I have to write things down tends to curb certain binge cravings.

Daily Positivity Levels (updated at the end of the day)*

Positivity Boost (from today's activity)
10 / 100

 Life in General
65 / 100

 My Mood
65 / 100

*See sidebar on the left for an explanation of the meters


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