Sunday, October 25, 2015

Day 239: Sleep In Late (#2)

Posted by J at 6:00 AM
Today's Positivity activity: Sleep in today! #2
Do this instead of: An extra hour of racing around before work.

Wayyy back on Day 115, I did a sleep in late challenge. I was sick at the time, and I'm a firm believer of getting extra rest when one is under the weather. Especially when trying to power through and continue work and other obligations. Since I've been fighting off some kind of germie again, today I'll be catching some extra zzz's before heading in for my shift.

Results: I popped awake at the usual time, smiled, and snuggled back in for a while. Ahhhh!

Daily Positivity Levels (updated at the end of the day)*

Positivity Boost (from today's activity)
25 / 100

 Life in General
75 / 100

 My Mood
75 / 100

*See sidebar on the left for an explanation of the meters


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