Monday, January 11, 2016

Day 317: River of Dreams: Attract Wealth Guided Meditation

Posted by J at 6:00 AM

Today's Positivity activity:  It's Meditation Monday! Today's meditation is from Jason Stephenson's YouTube Channel and is designed to help attract wealth. Now, I don't do a lot of money-related positivity challenges, largely because I don't particularly want to equate money with happiness. However, I've found that when a new year is underway and holiday spending is close behind, my thoughts often turn toward positive changes I can make to improve my earning, saving, and spending habits, and in turn, reduce stress.  So in this week we've seen this challenge, the penny saving challenge, and another one I'll be posting later.
Do This Instead of: 16 minutes of random web patrol.
The Results: A pleasing meditation along a river that produces gold and wealth to return to as needed. A good way to become more mindful of allowing wealth and abundance to flow our way.

Daily Positivity Levels (updated at the end of the day)*

Positivity Boost (from today's activity)
25 / 100 (25.00%)

 Life in General
75 / 100 (75.00%)

 My Mood
75 / 100 (75.00%)

*See sidebar on the left for an explanation of the meters


Mary Crosland said...

Having a positive attitude is the power that will drive you to success, whether it is financially or personally a healthy positive attitude will get you there. It will bring optimism into your life making everyday worry and Mary Crosland & mary crosland youtube
thinking a thing of the past. When you are positive you will notice that people you come into contact with will be easier to get along with and they become more relaxed because you are.

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